In-House Spa Treatments
Relaxing Massage
Relaxation massage is all about relaxing. It focuses on giving the client time to recover from the stresses of daily life. When you experience relaxation massage, you can expect a treatment that involves:
- Long smooth gliding strokes that are rhythmic and flowing.
- Pressure that is deeply relaxing, but not painful.
- A treatment that is designed to soothe and relax you, not to relieve chronic pain or other underlying ailments.
DURATION 60 MIN. RATE: $75.00 us
DURATION 90 MIN. rate: $100.00 us
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints).
If you tell the therapist where your trouble spots are (everyone has one or two) before the massage starts, during the massage the therapist will apply pressure and hold it for a few minutes before moving on, for extra relief. During Swedish massage, usually the therapist will only use their hand and forearm, however with a Deep Tissue Massage, elbows, arms or fingers may be used for optimal penetration of the muscle.
DURATION 60 MIN. rate: $85.00 us
DURATION 90 MIN. rate: $110.00 us
Spa manicure and pedicure
Spa manicure and pedicure are a vital part of spa treatment. A cracked heel is common, irrespective of the age. Dry hands and feet are typical pre requisites for a manicure and pedicure. Elbows and feet suffer major loss of moisture and softness. Hydrating the body is important along with other refreshing treatments. A manicure pedicure is a necessity. It is no more considered a luxury, as the feet are very important in carrying our weight.
Using Exfoliation as the method of sloughing off the dead skin, which has accumulated over a period of time, resulting in clogged pores and dry skin. Dead skin from the feet is removed as the primary step . A foot massage with a moisturizing cream helps in maintaining the moisture. A pedicure is done based on the degree of dryness of the feet. A foot mask that helps in moisture retention is beneficial.
LAdies: $65.00 US
MEN: $55.00 US
Relaxing Facial
Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body's natural - Lots of people like getting facials for the aesthetic benefits. There are many elements that can damage the appearance of your skin such as the weather, working at a computer for long periods, natural ageing and a poor diet.
- Because of stressful modern lifestyles our skin is often lacking vital minerals and a facial treatment with all natural products can let your face absorb what it needs to replenish itself.
- We offer you the experience of feeling a touch of refreshing natural treatments and a good relaxation time while vacation, revitalizes skin damage or dryness for those weather changes after a trip or a fun day.
PRICE $35.00 US
Tropical Body Scrub
Get the benefits of our great Tropical Body scrubs(skin glow, exfoliation, Increasing flow, relaxation): One of the biggest benefits to body scrubs, particularly the salt scrub, is the glow that your skin is left with. There are different grades of salt, and sea salt is the best option for a salt glow. Body scrubs are a great way to exfoliate dead skin cells. This paves the way for fresh new cells to regenerate and leaves you looking and feeling fabulous. It also encourages the natural flow of circulation and bodily fluids within. Planning a body scrub for exfoliating benefits is best in the fall and spring, right before you start to tan and when your tan starts to fade, get tha benefit of a vacation with a new revitalized skin.. Of course, exfoliating is great any time.